February 25 – March 19, 2022
Turnblad Mansion Ballroom, The American Swedish Institute
THERMAL is a dialogue – through movement, form and sound – centered on Earth’s changing environment.
With the effects of climate change here – Thermal invites viewers to slow down and appreciate our natural surroundings while simultaneously delivering a sense of urgency to act and anxiety to what might happen next.
Set in the historic Turnblad Mansion at The American Swedish Institute, Kim Heidkamp’s sculptural paper artwork sprawls from the ballroom stage across the floor, much like a creature of Norse mythology asleep in the landscape. Scores by composer Joshua Clausen and choreography by Mathew Janczewski of ARENA DANCES activate the work and pull the viewer in.
This interdisciplinary installation is the culmination of a series of in-progress, outdoor showings by ARENA DANCES, with a month-long premiere Feb 25-March 19, 2022 at ASI. Live performances, featuring trio Rachel Clark, Dustin Haug, and José A. Luis, will take place on select Fridays & Saturdays during museum hours and will be presented as a series of evening ticketed weekend performances.
The artwork, as well as video and content about the collaboration, will be on display in the Mansion throughout the course of the exhibition.

Dustin Haug, José A. Luis, Rachel Clark
by Armour Photography