“If all children in every school from their entrance until their graduation… were given the opportunity to experience dance as a creative art, and if their dancing kept pace with their developing physical, mental, and spiritual needs, the enrichment of their adult life might reach beyond the results we can now contemplate.”
— Margaret Newell H’Doubler

DanceON is an in-school dance residency program run by ARENA DANCES for teaching and learning in dance, working from Minnesota National Dance Educators standards. DanceON aims to show how learning dance isn’t just a physical activity but also one that engages the brain, our emotions, and creates opportunities for students to learn and relate to one another.
Structured through various residency options each semester, DanceON helps students build their technical and expressive skills, along with understanding how to view, interpret & discuss dance. By exploring, creating, replicating & observing movement, students will build their technical & expressive skills, and develop their artistry & personal voice in dance.
DanceON‘s trajectory provides students with exposure to a variety of different movement aesthetics, such as Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Breakdancing throughout their school career.
Our Network includes a diverse range of dance companies and independent choreographers/artists based in the Twin Cities. In past DanceON programs, these artists and organizations have included: ARENA DANCES ~ Shapiro & Smith Dance ~ Black Label Movement ~ STRONGMovement~ Taja Will~April Sellers
The Layout includes different residency partnerships:
ARENA DANCES seeks to provide accessibility and flexibility within partnerships in order to shape and support each student population’s unique needs and preferences.
DanceON Class:
• A single 45 minute class includes technique, movement learning, choreography generation & creation, and discussion of dance with professional dance artists.
DanceON Residency Week:
• Five days of two 45 minute classes, informal dance & arts integration discussions with students & teachers, and an invitation to witness open company rehearsal of ARENA DANCES.
Full DanceON Residency:
• A DanceON Residency Week held once each Fall & Spring semester over the course of two years, for a total of four weeks
• Complimentary tickets, bussing, and post-performance discussion to one ARENA DANCES matinee per season
• The cultivation of a long-term partnership collectively pursuing shared goals of student growth, academic & artistic achievement, and deeper engagement in our community
Arts in schools correlate with higher academic performances, increased senses of self-worth, and improvement in school community.

Dance Making
By exploring, creating, replicating and observing dance, students build their technical and expressive skills, develop their artistry and a unique personal voice in dance, and experience the power of dance to communicate. They understand dance as a universal language and a legacy of expression in every culture.
Developing Dance Literacy
Students develop a working knowledge of dance language and aesthetics, and apply it to analyzing, evaluating, documenting, creating and performing dance. They recognize their role as articulate, literate dancers in communicating about dance to their families, schools and communities.
Making Connections
By investigating historical, social and cultural contexts, and by exploring common themes and principles connecting dance with other disciplines, students enrich their creative work and understand the significance of dance in the evolution of human thought and expression.
Working With Community and Cultural Resources
Students broaden their perspective by working with professional artists and arts organizations representing diverse cultural and personal approaches to dance, and by seeing performances of widely varied dance styles and genres. Active partnerships that combine school and local community resources with the full range of Minnesota’s dance and cultural institutions create a fertile ground for students’ dance learning and creativity.
Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning
Students consider the range of dance and dance-related professions as they think about their goals and aspirations, and understand how the various professions support and connect with each other. They carry physical, social and cognitive skills learned in dance, and an ability to appreciate and enjoy participating in dance, throughout their lives.
The curriculum is both subject-based—defining the goals for content—and outcome based—defining the goals for student achievement. Thus, we first list student learning indicators, and then provide suggested examples of activities to reach these outcomes. The DanceON Program is meant to provide a framework for teachers, suggesting strategies that spur individual creativity, depth, and breadth in dance teaching.
Learn More
If you are a K-12 academic educator and would like to learn more about the DanceON Program, please refer to this packet for further information:
To learn more about DanceON and how you can bring this program to your students, please contact Mathew Janczewski, DanceON Program Founder & Artistic Director of ARENA DANCES, by calling (612) 804-0238 or by e-mail at arenadances@gmail.com
The DanceON Program is generously supported by state grants for arts education to minimize costs to schools. ARENA DANCES seeks to support and work closely with schools in order assist in securing funding.
2023/2024 DanceON Residencies: